Just a post to say Good bye to 2008 - A Personal diary of 2008
5 Good things to happen :
1) Celebrated Pinocchio's first birthday on 10Jan'2008 which was an exciting and wonderful evening party that I will cherish a long way.
2) My promotion came up this year. After being in the IT industry for 5 years, I am considered a technical analyst anymore..Wow!!
3) My hubby PK's assignment to New Jersey and his travel on 22Aug'2008. ( Still I miss dear!!!). I bade a sweet Bon Voyage to him but after he left and when I was returning from airport...ho..how sad I was...my tears reflected.
4) My sister took over an assignment with an IT major. This is her first job after her college. All set to complete her training and take up the hot programmer job :) So all the best my dear sister J..have a great year ahead!!!
5) A very happy news is that Lil Pinocchio is growing really fast!!! Time flies...the bundle of joy which came to the world all wrapped in a small towel....is now walking,running,playing,talking, eating noodles and more importantly going to Playschool. Hip Hip Hurray!!! (Anti Jinx...U have to keep an eye here)
5 things that hurt me :
1) 26/11 Terror attack did hurt me immensely and the dent cannot be healed. Let all the innocent soul rest in peace....What else can I think of. I feel helpless.
2) My maternal grandpa passed away this March'8 2008. A very wise person he was and was very close to my heart passed away due to ill health. Was a very sad day and it did hurt me badly.
3) Pinocchio fell ill this December and he has blood and mucus in his stools. But as we noticed frank blood, we took him to a Paediatric Surgeon to confirm and clarify that there was no complexity other than the infection. The Ped was very experienced and he internally examined him by inserting his finger into the little one's anal area. Oh..my heart bled the very moment looking at my dear son weep. He stopped weeping the minute he came over to me and when doctor said he was completely fine, I was soothed.
4) Recently the suicide news caused by increasing debts in newspapers scares me...!! Oh..how one needs to juggle between multiple things in life...still ensure to hit a striking balance.
5) On an official front, my project for which I was working for the past 4 years is lost to a vendor competitor. Though its not a hurting news...still a sad sigh!!!
My wish in 2009
A peaceful world with no war, no terror strikes, no communal riots. Lets all work hard and grow heights. Lets nurture a peaceful and positive world for the generations to come.