Living In a Fascinating Enigma called LIFE...

All about Pinocchio,my little lamb

Today I went to my son's playschool to attend a talk by a renowned paediatrician.
The common concerns were addressed and the take away's are :

  • Dont panic in case of any emergency. Anxiety makes your child assume something is terribly wrong.
  • Dont be too concerned that the child is lean and not eating properly. Unless the child is reporting some growth percentage, is active and is resistant, then you can be assured that he/she is healthy.
  • Dont force food or fruits which they dont like. Aversions take a longer time to break.
  • Antibiotics must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
  • All of the optional vaccines need to be given to children. Parents needs to keenly analyse and select the desired optional vaccines.

All of us are quite aware that Plastic is toxic and takes umpteen number of years to decompose. I wanted to do my bit and avoid Plastic, but have always failed while I go shopping. Yesterday I was in a shopping major, where plastic covers were being used in tonnes. This is a usual scene in every mall and would not have caught my attention, unless I noticed the lady ahead of me in the queue took out a jute bag and started piling her billed items into her bag. She would have atleast saved 2 plastic covers on a minimum!! Wee bit from our side to save nature...carry a jute bag while we shop..!

After a long pause, we are back to the blogging world. Though a little late, wishing you all a very Happy Healthy and prosperous 2010.