Living In a Fascinating Enigma called LIFE...

All about Pinocchio,my little lamb

------- Scene of the day --------
Its Potty time and Pinocchio is wonderfully seated on the potty.

We had recently bought a Tom and Jerry Kids tooth paste and the process of brushing his teeth with this new paste is so tempting that the little one wants to get away from shitting and the potty.

To deviate him, I was conversing with started like :
Me : Whom do u like Tom or Jerry

Pin : yeli (rat)

Me : oh ok and u like mickey or Minnie

Pin : (spontaneously) Minnie

Me : Oh is it...and u don't like Dora?

Pin : Dora pikkum pikkum (means I like Dora)

Me : Oh is it Dora or Minnie

Pin : Dora

Me : OK..and Buzzy

Me : Buzzy thumba ista.(thumba ista in Kannada means more I like more)

Pin : ABCD sollu ma..amma ABCD sollu
It is like Dora teaches ABCD in one of his CDs and so the very thought of Dora reminds him of ABCD.
Recently since 15 days I notice Pinocchio transforming into a bilingualist speaking tamil and kannada with equal ease but this drops me into complete astonishment. I have been in Bangalore for the past five years but hardly could I make a sentence in Kannada without any flaws.We speak Tamil in our household and so its quite natural for Pinnochio to get accustomed to Tamil and speak Tamil with ease which he does.Now the kannada background,we have a live-in house maid who speaks only Kannada and she has been conversing with Pinnochio in Kannada since he was 8 months. I have never given this a thought and had never imagined Pinocchio to speak in Kannada even in my wild dreams.The most interesting fact is that he does not mix languages and speaks the appropriate language to the right person.
He will outgrow 22 months this Nov 10Th and makes 3 to 4 word sentences like :
In Tamil

* Bappukku pattasuna romba bayam @Bappu is scared of crackers@

* Mummy baba koyil polama @Mummy..shall we go to baba temple@

* Bappuku vijay mama romba pikkum @Bappu likes Vijay mama@

* chinhg ich king paatu podu.. @Play Singh is King song@

* Acchi madiyela pathu mammu kudi @Will lay on grandma's lap n drink milk@

In Kannada :

* Bappuku dhodda chocci beku @Bappu wants big choccie@

* Aunty chappathi maadi kodi @Aunty make chappathi@

* Bappu dhodda papa aayi @Bappu is a big baby@ and this he says standing on some tall object say over his dad's bike or on the kitchen slab

* Aunty..dress bicchu...dress beda @Remove my dress..dont want dress@

Thus goes the little express...I am both excited and astonished as how these little kids neural network is so smart...I confess..human brain is beyond comparison and no machine can replace..why replace..can even be a analogy to human brain.


hey madhu, thanks for the comment on my post :)
pinocchio sounds like a smart one alright! you know what fascinates me endlessly - i often think i'm so stupid but when i watch my duaghter pick up and retain these random things and i realize the miracle of the human brain, there's no need for any of us to feel stupider than any other, huh?

They say its easier for children to pick up different languages while still young. I have my own example. When dad was transferred to Andhra, my siblings and I were quick to pick up Telugu, reading and writing as well as speaking along with the Malayalam we knew, not to mention English and the mandatory Hindi in school. Right now I also have a sprinkling of Kannada and Punjabi in my repertoire.
Some children (and adults too) have a special knack for picking up new languages faster. Your little one may belong to that category! :-)