Pinocchio is 2 months to 2 years and I was initially planning to admit him to a playschool when he will be around 1.10 years. This thought of putting him in a playgroup rather grew this month when I could nt put up with his tantrums. Not sure if this is the shadowing effect of the terrible two's but my son is turning fussy for everything. So far he was not a very fussy eater, which he is now. He has developed a sudden strong liking towards chocolates....I do understand that all kids are lured to chocolates but there is a count to the candy he intakes right!!! He goes non-stop repeating "choccie" till you give in to his demand. He was completely potty trained and he would always use his potty since 18 months but there is a absolute paradigm shift. Now that he climbs on some furniture say either the deewan or the bed and beckons my attention by calling rather screaming "amma amma" and when I look at him, he pours out or does susu. What will I do with this toddler who tests my patience so much ? Having said all this, you know how inclined I would be to put him in a playschool. So I was looking for a playschool that satisfies my criteria and priorities.
Just a few minutes back, when I got up at 6:30 and found the weather to be so bad and cozy, I have resolved that I will put up with this little daemon for another two months and so have postponed his school plans to January when Pinocchio will complete his two years . Its so cozy and dark, that I myself at 26 years want to nap for few more hours.....why should my little dear son have a time slot to fix and get up ?
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