Wow...the festival has come and gone so fast. We celebrated well but Pinocchio was initially so scared of the bombs and high sounding crackers that he did not sleep the whole Sunday night. He completely hesitated to sleep and would get up and scream "yenaku Pattasuna bayam ma"(read : I am scared of crackers) and for every burst that went in the air he could repeat this,it was funny in the beginning but when these tantrums went never ending till three in the morning,oops it was irritating and left me with no energy.
Pinocchio on the left celebrating diwali and DH had a divine diwali visiting this temple in Bridge stone,NJ.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Today we set off on the bursting ship with all crackers. Pinocchio was initially scared to hold the electric sparkles but very soon, he got accustomed. He still seems scared when atom bombs or high decibel crackers are being fired.The little one wants to cry but he feels embarrassed to weep I suppose, that he disposes his fear and acts a strong gentle-boy.(This is the XY chromosome effect is it?).

Last Diwali fell on Nov 8th,Pinocchio with his appa is on the left while this Diwali,this gentle boy is bursting crackers with little support from thatha.
So I am all set in front of Television clicking the remote continuously re-visiting channels,munching all varieties of snacks,playing and running across with Pinocchio dear. and this diwali can be no better. But still if my dear husband and my lovely sister have been around,it would be more fulfilling. Tat's OK. Happy Diwali to dear hubby who is NJ and to my lovely sister J at Trivandrum.
So I am all set in front of Television clicking the remote continuously re-visiting channels,munching all varieties of snacks,playing and running across with Pinocchio dear. and this diwali can be no better. But still if my dear husband and my lovely sister have been around,it would be more fulfilling. Tat's OK. Happy Diwali to dear hubby who is NJ and to my lovely sister J at Trivandrum.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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The festival of lights is approaching and me and Pinocchio are really excited. Mom is busy trying all sweets and savouries for the festival. Me and Pinocchio had fun watching the way the snacks n sweets were prepared. I did not buy in the idea of preparing sweets at home but mom wanted to as she felt the culture is getting lost. She derives lots of happiness and satisfaction making sweets for festivals and functions and so she is all set with the cookery work.This time Pinocchio,the critic tasted all of Acchi's preparation and was like "nallarkku" (read : good) for a few and "vendam"(read :don't want) for a few(probably he dint like)....u are growing fast dear Pinocchio!$!

As of now Laddu,Somasi,Thattai and Murukku(clockwise from top left) is ready. Jamoon and mixture is on the way.....all yummy stuff. DH....u r missing the sweets n savouries right?
Bangalore is wet today due to continuous rains and so we have not yet opened the crackers box.Pinocchio is all exited to burst crackers,not sure if he will be happy or be scared..I will have to wait and watch till tomorrow.
As of now Laddu,Somasi,Thattai and Murukku(clockwise from top left) is ready. Jamoon and mixture is on the way.....all yummy stuff. DH....u r missing the sweets n savouries right?
Bangalore is wet today due to continuous rains and so we have not yet opened the crackers box.Pinocchio is all exited to burst crackers,not sure if he will be happy or be scared..I will have to wait and watch till tomorrow.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Hey all,my name is Pinocchio and for a change I am blogging today cos amma is suddenly sad today because appa went to New Jersey some 2 months back the same day and she is suffering from separation anxiety. So its 60 days since me and amma met appa and we are missing appa a lot.I wish I cud see you immediately daddypa.I still get reminded dad as how u used to lift me and hug me when you come back from office.Appa...nowadays this mom is very busy at work,I want her to play with me always,but she says mom has oodles of home work and sits with that laptop always.Then mornings she hardly plays with me. She is very busy on some phone calls...she calls them err..some conference calls.Then she picks her bag and her laptop and says "Mom is going to office and will be back soon. U must eat well and be a good boy". I am bored of this dialogue and then as usual I cry as I don't want mom to leave me. Nowadays mom is growing clever....she is not telling me and she goes off without reporting to me. He..He..I know what I need to do,when I see mom dressed up in the morning, I go and stand close to the drawing room how will she escape???

Appa..I don't have anyone to support me now. Amma wants me to be a very very good boy which I am not. She does not let me play with water. She wants me to eat all that she gives. She wants me to sit and play with my toys. Yesterday I did susu in the carpet and she is yelling at me. What will I do? I wanted to susu and I on earth will I know that I am standing on her favourite carpet? Then acchi(grandma) always pampers me and so I like her a lot. She takes me to all temples around and plays ball with me. She is my best friend.Me and acchi count numbers when we climb the stairs. But still when amma scolds me, no one supports. They are all silent and I don't know why.Appa and one more..amma is taking me for she asked me to pick up the newspaper from the table which I promptly bought and gave her though I hate her reading the newspaper.I can tear the whole bunch in 2 minutes but every day she spends 20 minutes on the same paper.Following this she wants me to put her tea cup into the sink. Oh no...I replied saying "Nee poi podu ma" and she looks bewildered.If you were here, you would have supported me.Dad..please tell mom that I don't like wearing socks,sweater and cap. She insists in me wearing them as Blore weather is cold but whatsoever I don't want to wear.Appa..amma is feeling bad looking at your recent snaps that you have lost lot of weight and even I feel you look skinny pa. Eat well like let me know in case you need Pediasure. Acchi and mom always say if I drink Pediasure, I will become fat and grow please drink two glasses of Pediasure everday.Appa..everyday when you talk to me and mom in the laptop, I call you 'Ba", but why are you just sitting inside the laptop and not coming out? Tomorrow morning when you talk on the laptop....please come out na..I will be waiting for you and please don't forget to bring two chocie and two ballons. Bye...c u tomorow.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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As the title suggests, yes I suffer from this "Nailcuttophobia"..u see. Oops not to cut my nails....I am totally scared to cut Pinocchio nails though he is 21 months old now. I have tried my best to cut the little one's nails but still in vain. I am worried that I would land up cutting his fingertip or the side skin and I am still unable to overcome this fear and its always been my mom and sometimes my sister who take up this critical task. Does anyone have/know a acronym for this phobia else err...I have contributed a word to the phobia's list. So how to coin a term for "Fear to cut/trim one's baby's nails".
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Well all said in part one, I am out of shape weighing 57 kg with a bulging tummy,the vanity of motherhood. The next agenda is to lose oodles of pounds and target those fat cells exclusively in the tummy,forearm and hip.Weight loss programmes are quiet wide in market all shining around with every new technology ranging from lipolysis,power yoga,tummy trim and tuck,laser weight loss,cardiac exercise and so on. Now the ball lies on to you to decide what next, in my case I am not aiming a size zero and I am not obese in the other way...I ideally want to achieve a toned body with no sagging pounds here and there.
Now the weight loss programme I have formulated myself after a good great analysis:
a) Be happy and I will no more dump my head with things that are beyond my control.

b) Drink more of water and fluids(fat free milk, butter milk and no aerated drinks).
c) No more counting on calories.Yes,I need to be conscious but research says for every piece of food that goes into your mouth, the brain should send out happy waves and not just act as a calorie calculator, where in you tend to over eat and this will build more calories.
d) Add more of LITE and SLIM foods available in market.
e) More of vegetables,fruits and less of fried stuff.
f) I have enrolled myself in a Weight Loss and Figure correction course .
Now that I am already on the above schedule since a month , I notice myself losing pounds although not significant enough for anyone else to appreciate..err only after I question my folks if I have lost weight they would think and say..Yes man,u I have given myself a good period of another 75 days and hopefully I will have a bashing 2009 with slimmer me :)
My hubby who is in NJ, miles apart from me and our little prince seems to have lost enough pounds just by starving as he is self cooking .(more importantly missing my lovely food u see :)) culinary skills seems great.
My hubby who is in NJ, miles apart from me and our little prince seems to have lost enough pounds just by starving as he is self cooking .(more importantly missing my lovely food u see :)) culinary skills seems great.
Dear hubby..what a lovely pair we make. You strive to increase your pounds and I want to get rid of them.Opposite poles attract, so that's nice.
I wish there was a executable like this which would swap our weights.
#include @weightcalculator.h@
#include @weightcalculator.h@
void weightneutralize(struct *me_ptr,struct *hubby_ptr)
temp = extrapounds(*me_ptr);
me_ptr->pounds = (int)me_ptr->pounds - temp;
hubby_ptr->pounds = (int)hubby_ptr->pounds + temp;
Oh..this lovely executable would turn us into our desired shapes WITHOUT ANY EFFORT FROM OUR ENDS.How I wish C execs can work on humans rather than just variables.DH..I dedicate this segment to you ....hope you achieve more pounds and I lose much more.
Oh..this lovely executable would turn us into our desired shapes WITHOUT ANY EFFORT FROM OUR ENDS.How I wish C execs can work on humans rather than just variables.DH..I dedicate this segment to you ....hope you achieve more pounds and I lose much more.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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After maternity, my pounds have raised and I went out of shape so much so that my wardrobe can be well classified as BP and AP (Before and After Pinocchio arrival).Now a little background, I delivered Pinocchio through C section and so had difficulty doing those exercises my gynec has prescribed. Added to this, Pinocchio was a complete colic baby, crying all through day and night during the initial three months. And the worst was I had difficulty feeding Pinocchio during the nascent weeks of his birth. The lactation was good but he would not suck. So as per the ped's advice, we started formula which has to be fed on a spoon. She had insisted that I should neither use a sucker nor a bottle in haste to fill my young ones tummy.But you know the Indian traditional circle treats a woman who does not breast feed her baby as the most sinful creature ever on earth. I always wanted to breastfeed and for your information,I am not participating in a beauty peagent or trying to be a diva but I was trying intelligently to resolve this. My Gynec and Ped very clearly explained that any pressure on the mother's head has a direct effect on her mammary glands. They assured me to keep on trying and very soon Pinocchio will know to suck. As per them, this is a very common problem for all first time mother's and once the baby is hungry, he will learn this art himself.But due to pressure from various sources I gave in to the usage of a suckers against my mom's plea and warning.Pinocchio was quite fine with the sucker while I had difficulty holding the sucker for hours during night times. All this drama and dilemma led me to post-partum depression and I was in a bad state of mind emotionally. Exercise...What was that??
------ There ends the lazy bug's justification for no exercise --------------------
Now that Pinocchio is grown big enough, my soul calls me to shape up.I am going to get back to my normal pounds. My health chart shows I was 66 kg the day before Pinocchio was born where as the day my conception was conformed I was 47 kg.So on a rough calculation, its a 40% weight gain over a 8 month period.Wow...its a record u see..he he. The most bizarre stuff, I gained around 20 kg while the little Pinocchio weighed 2.7 kg. So will the effect of the remnant 17 kg vanish?
My sincere suggestion to all expecting mothers is "Please keep an eye on your weight" and my case is a proven example to say the mother's weight has no great effect on the baby's.
------ There ends the lazy bug's justification for no exercise --------------------

Now that Pinocchio is grown big enough, my soul calls me to shape up.I am going to get back to my normal pounds. My health chart shows I was 66 kg the day before Pinocchio was born where as the day my conception was conformed I was 47 kg.So on a rough calculation, its a 40% weight gain over a 8 month period.Wow...its a record u see..he he. The most bizarre stuff, I gained around 20 kg while the little Pinocchio weighed 2.7 kg. So will the effect of the remnant 17 kg vanish?
My sincere suggestion to all expecting mothers is "Please keep an eye on your weight" and my case is a proven example to say the mother's weight has no great effect on the baby's.
So this goes my maternity and weight gain saga.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Pinocchio has a bad flu and is down with a running nose since three days.As most kids do,he gets fussy when he is sick and this time was no exception. His sleep is greatly disturbed as he has difficulty breathing during nights.A parents sleep being directly proportional to their child's, I am sleep deprived since two days with eye contours. He gets up in the middle of night often with a scream when he has difficulty breathing. Then either me or my mom pat Pinocchio and positions him so that he breathes comfortably and he is back to sleep again,lest ready to be awake in a hour or two.
Here is what we try out for Pinacchio when the cold bug bites him : 
a) Nasal Drops and steam inhalation helps Pinocchio a lot. But he is completely hesitant to steam inhale and there is a great push and pull in getting this done. Having said this the steam inhalation is all worthy inspite of all this running around. There is a great relief for the lil one.
b) If there is phlegm accumulated in the chest,then one can hear the whisting sound when the baby coughs, the best option I try for Pinocchio is to apply Vicks on a beetel leaf, heat it in low flame so tat the leaf does not burn off...but is enough to evaporate the Vicks and place the luke warm leaf on the baby's chest. This loosens the dry phlegm.
c) Even cocunut oil warmed with a bit of camphor and turmeric applied all over chest and back helps loosen the accumulated phlegm in the chest and you will notice relief very soon.
d) Tulasi and Karpuravalli juice mixed with honey and luke warm water does wonders. But this has to be ingested for 3 days to see results. I usually start this medication in the nascent stages of infection.
Pinocchio's food chart was hit badly since 3 days and he rejects to have anything...."Vendam" is what he says. All I do is force feed though I very well know I should not. A mom's heart does not know logic u see :). I am little releived this time as my mom is with me and takes care of Pinocchio. She feeds Pinocchio mostly with warm liquids when he is sick and usually gives him in a silver glass rather than a sipper as suction is difficult during throat congestion and cold. Pinocchio is all glad to have a mild mulligatawny soup that mom makes for him with more of cumin, garlic,pepper and dal.

a) Nasal Drops and steam inhalation helps Pinocchio a lot. But he is completely hesitant to steam inhale and there is a great push and pull in getting this done. Having said this the steam inhalation is all worthy inspite of all this running around. There is a great relief for the lil one.
b) If there is phlegm accumulated in the chest,then one can hear the whisting sound when the baby coughs, the best option I try for Pinocchio is to apply Vicks on a beetel leaf, heat it in low flame so tat the leaf does not burn off...but is enough to evaporate the Vicks and place the luke warm leaf on the baby's chest. This loosens the dry phlegm.
c) Even cocunut oil warmed with a bit of camphor and turmeric applied all over chest and back helps loosen the accumulated phlegm in the chest and you will notice relief very soon.
d) Tulasi and Karpuravalli juice mixed with honey and luke warm water does wonders. But this has to be ingested for 3 days to see results. I usually start this medication in the nascent stages of infection.
Pinocchio's food chart was hit badly since 3 days and he rejects to have anything...."Vendam" is what he says. All I do is force feed though I very well know I should not. A mom's heart does not know logic u see :). I am little releived this time as my mom is with me and takes care of Pinocchio. She feeds Pinocchio mostly with warm liquids when he is sick and usually gives him in a silver glass rather than a sipper as suction is difficult during throat congestion and cold. Pinocchio is all glad to have a mild mulligatawny soup that mom makes for him with more of cumin, garlic,pepper and dal.
Hoping that Pinocchio will fight back this attack and gets away from this cold without expectorants and anti-biotics.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Pinocchio recently exhibits a flair for movie tracks and shows great interest for watching them.I doubt if these songs carry any meaning to these lil ones or its just the beat and the rhythm they are attracted to.But Pinocchio's choice of songs drive me crazy and I am unable to draw a line or conclusion in this thesis.
Here goes his favourite track list :
a) Om Namo Narayanaya....kallai mattum kandal from Dasavatharam movie.
Here goes his favourite track list :
a) Om Namo Narayanaya....kallai mattum kandal from Dasavatharam movie.
He gets excited when this song is played.He calls this song "Andal Paatu". Dont know how he tagged this song as "Andal Pattu". And our Dan Brown's encryption for this song is.."Raja...mama...neeni...dhom".So to decrypt, there comes a king in this song who throws uncle(read:Kamalhassan) into the sea.
b) Kangal Irandal from Subramaniapuram...
It is a complete town based romantic track. I wonder how he is drawn towards this song but he adores this song so much that I have not seen him even wink during the track.The cryptic clue here is "Anna..Akka..koyil...sami". Now u all can very well run your imagination...
It is a complete town based romantic track. I wonder how he is drawn towards this song but he adores this song so much that I have not seen him even wink during the track.The cryptic clue here is "Anna..Akka..koyil...sami". Now u all can very well run your imagination...
c) Singh is Kingh....which he says ching z one of his favourite numbers
d) Bappu cant dance wala from Jaane Tu..Na Jaane na
e) Mukunda Munkunda from Dasavatharam...this he calls "Paati paatu" as Kamalhassan enacts an old woman in this song.
d) Bappu cant dance wala from Jaane Tu..Na Jaane na
e) Mukunda Munkunda from Dasavatharam...this he calls "Paati paatu" as Kamalhassan enacts an old woman in this song.
So the above goes his Top 5 favourite choices. One of the above tracks shud play on the television when he wishes and should ofcourse never end and keep on playing.
I wish I had a magic wand that makes this happen............. But Pinocchio is like..."Why do u want a magic wand them on your computer na,I am OK with that...he he..I am quiet flexible u see".
Will my head not go rolling??
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Pinocchio is a single kid in my house and so as obviously he is well pampered. I need to agree that everyone pays lot of attention to Pinocchio when he speaks,cries,plays or whatever he does. This has drawn an attitude issue with Pinocchio . Recently one of my relative has visited us and the couple have a lil daughter who is 6 years old. When this lil gal came over,our Pinocchio was excited I would say and was playing with her for a couple of hours. That was good and I was happy that my son was social. Very soon Pinocchio changed and started hesitating to share his toys. I wonder why he started behaving this way. Any toy the lil gal picks up, he would run behind her and snatch it from her. He does not let her ride his toy train or cycle either. I had been telling Pinocchio since long that he needs to share.
I take him to the garden in our apartment most evenings when I am back from work where Pinocchio brings his ball or cycle or some toy along. He used to share his toy with the kids who play in the garden. But now he is very clear not to share his toy with this little gal. He likes her,wants to play with her and runs around with her but when the sharing of toys comes up........he is like Sushmita Sen singing "No No No No No..No...No No No" in Shakalaka baby as in Nayak/Mudalvan movie. How do I make him share....?????

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Pinocchio's Paradise
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Pinacchio has a great liking to all electronic items rather an affinity I would say.
DVD player tops the list of all other items. The "Eject" button is the most desperate creature in the household, which is being pressed all times of the day. As Pinacchio's dad is in NJ, we chat through Skype and so Laptop and the headset stands second. He presses something in the laptop,pretends to be serious, puts on the headphone and calls "Hello Daddypa". Today I was a little busy with weekend cleaning and noticed all silence while Pinacchio was in the drawing room. Phew! something must be wrong....Pinacchio and silence are antonyms...and yes my instinct was almost right. Pinacchio was sitting on the keypad of my laptop. As my laptop was locked ,his sitting posture has triggered multiple keys being pressed simultaneously that caused a beep sound. So boss was trying all postures trying to create as many beeps as possible with his b**.Once he noticed me..he screamed at me with a tone of achievement,pride and happiness. He stood up,closed my IBM thinkpad while I stood speechless.And the worst is yet to come....Pinacchio immediately got up, closed the laptop and was standing on the laptop before I realised what was going on....all in a fraction of a minute.Oops my son,laptop is not for sitting and standing. Wat else do I have to say for all this mischiefs?
Switches and Mobiles were his one time favourites. Pinacchio used to plug my charger to the Switch board and when this habit grew worse,I have closed all the switch boards with dummy.
Microwave is anyway his all time favourite...!!
Not sure if this electronic affinity is all part of the growth cycle, I will have to wait and see.
You have time to experiment Pinacchio dear....Relax now my lil electronic explorer.
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Pinocchio's Paradise
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