After maternity, my pounds have raised and I went out of shape so much so that my wardrobe can be well classified as BP and AP (Before and After Pinocchio arrival).Now a little background, I delivered Pinocchio through C section and so had difficulty doing those exercises my gynec has prescribed. Added to this, Pinocchio was a complete colic baby, crying all through day and night during the initial three months. And the worst was I had difficulty feeding Pinocchio during the nascent weeks of his birth. The lactation was good but he would not suck. So as per the ped's advice, we started formula which has to be fed on a spoon. She had insisted that I should neither use a sucker nor a bottle in haste to fill my young ones tummy.But you know the Indian traditional circle treats a woman who does not breast feed her baby as the most sinful creature ever on earth. I always wanted to breastfeed and for your information,I am not participating in a beauty peagent or trying to be a diva but I was trying intelligently to resolve this. My Gynec and Ped very clearly explained that any pressure on the mother's head has a direct effect on her mammary glands. They assured me to keep on trying and very soon Pinocchio will know to suck. As per them, this is a very common problem for all first time mother's and once the baby is hungry, he will learn this art himself.But due to pressure from various sources I gave in to the usage of a suckers against my mom's plea and warning.Pinocchio was quite fine with the sucker while I had difficulty holding the sucker for hours during night times. All this drama and dilemma led me to post-partum depression and I was in a bad state of mind emotionally. Exercise...What was that??
------ There ends the lazy bug's justification for no exercise --------------------
Now that Pinocchio is grown big enough, my soul calls me to shape up.I am going to get back to my normal pounds. My health chart shows I was 66 kg the day before Pinocchio was born where as the day my conception was conformed I was 47 kg.So on a rough calculation, its a 40% weight gain over a 8 month period.Wow...its a record u see..he he. The most bizarre stuff, I gained around 20 kg while the little Pinocchio weighed 2.7 kg. So will the effect of the remnant 17 kg vanish?
My sincere suggestion to all expecting mothers is "Please keep an eye on your weight" and my case is a proven example to say the mother's weight has no great effect on the baby's.
------ There ends the lazy bug's justification for no exercise --------------------

Now that Pinocchio is grown big enough, my soul calls me to shape up.I am going to get back to my normal pounds. My health chart shows I was 66 kg the day before Pinocchio was born where as the day my conception was conformed I was 47 kg.So on a rough calculation, its a 40% weight gain over a 8 month period.Wow...its a record u see..he he. The most bizarre stuff, I gained around 20 kg while the little Pinocchio weighed 2.7 kg. So will the effect of the remnant 17 kg vanish?
My sincere suggestion to all expecting mothers is "Please keep an eye on your weight" and my case is a proven example to say the mother's weight has no great effect on the baby's.
So this goes my maternity and weight gain saga.
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