Living In a Fascinating Enigma called LIFE...

All about Pinocchio,my little lamb

Today we set off on the bursting ship with all crackers. Pinocchio was initially scared to hold the electric sparkles but very soon, he got accustomed. He still seems scared when atom bombs or high decibel crackers are being fired.The little one wants to cry but he feels embarrassed to weep I suppose, that he disposes his fear and acts a strong gentle-boy.(This is the XY chromosome effect is it?).

Last Diwali fell on Nov 8th,Pinocchio with his appa is on the left while this Diwali,this gentle boy is bursting crackers with little support from thatha.
So I am all set in front of Television clicking the remote continuously re-visiting channels,munching all varieties of snacks,playing and running across with Pinocchio dear. and this diwali can be no better. But still if my dear husband and my lovely sister have been around,it would be more fulfilling. Tat's OK. Happy Diwali to dear hubby who is NJ and to my lovely sister J at Trivandrum.