Hey all,my name is Pinocchio and for a change I am blogging today cos amma is suddenly sad today because appa went to New Jersey some 2 months back the same day and she is suffering from separation anxiety. So its 60 days since me and amma met appa and we are missing appa a lot.I wish I cud see you immediately daddypa.I still get reminded dad as how u used to lift me and hug me when you come back from office.Appa...nowadays this mom is very busy at work,I want her to play with me always,but she says mom has oodles of home work and sits with that laptop always.Then mornings she hardly plays with me. She is very busy on some phone calls...she calls them err..some conference calls.Then she picks her bag and her laptop and says "Mom is going to office and will be back soon. U must eat well and be a good boy". I am bored of this dialogue and then as usual I cry as I don't want mom to leave me. Nowadays mom is growing clever....she is not telling me and she goes off without reporting to me. He..He..I know what I need to do,when I see mom dressed up in the morning, I go and stand close to the drawing room door...now how will she escape???

Appa..I don't have anyone to support me now. Amma wants me to be a very very good boy which I am not. She does not let me play with water. She wants me to eat all that she gives. She wants me to sit and play with my toys. Yesterday I did susu in the carpet and she is yelling at me. What will I do? I wanted to susu and I did..how on earth will I know that I am standing on her favourite carpet? Then acchi(grandma) always pampers me and so I like her a lot. She takes me to all temples around and plays ball with me. She is my best friend.Me and acchi count numbers when we climb the stairs. But still when amma scolds me, no one supports. They are all silent and I don't know why.Appa and one more..amma is taking me for granted..today she asked me to pick up the newspaper from the table which I promptly bought and gave her though I hate her reading the newspaper.I can tear the whole bunch in 2 minutes but every day she spends 20 minutes on the same paper.Following this she wants me to put her tea cup into the sink. Oh no...I replied saying "Nee poi podu ma" and she looks bewildered.If you were here, you would have supported me.Dad..please tell mom that I don't like wearing socks,sweater and cap. She insists in me wearing them as Blore weather is cold but whatsoever I don't want to wear.Appa..amma is feeling bad looking at your recent snaps that you have lost lot of weight and even I feel you look skinny pa. Eat well like me..do let me know in case you need Pediasure. Acchi and mom always say if I drink Pediasure, I will become fat and grow tall...so please drink two glasses of Pediasure everday.Appa..everyday when you talk to me and mom in the laptop, I call you 'Ba daddypa..ba", but why are you just sitting inside the laptop and not coming out? Tomorrow morning when you talk on the laptop....please come out na..I will be waiting for you and please don't forget to bring two chocie and two ballons. Bye...c u tomorow.
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